NetSuite Development
Today, one of the most exceptional features of NetSuite is its extensibility. It makes it even better the fact that applications do not break easily after new releases. It is quite standardized, and on top of that, we get to build solutions in modern JavaScript development. Besides a powerful language, you get a lot of code-free functionality that boosts your productivity. All these components are what make up the SuiteCloud platform.
When one of our founders started working with NetSuite back in early 2012, NetSuite was still running its procedural style programming SuiteScript 1.0. Luckily, NetSuite soon realized that applications were scaling too much, and we developers needed a more robust approach. Soon after SuiteScript 2.0 was released, we started trying it out, we like it but didn't love it. Instead of turning it down, we decided to make it better and created a more robust development environment. We also built our own MVC framework for SuiteScript 2.0, along with a VSCode extension supporting TypeScript, IntelliSense, Snippets, and a whole set of features. It was a game-changer for our team since we finally had a development environment that we did enjoy.
Midware was born as an application integration company. We adopted NetSuite because of the amount of integration work we were getting back in the day. For this reason, a lot of the projects we worked on involved NetSuite system integration technologies. We tried SuiteTalk for a while, but we quickly dump it for most of our projects. We've widely adopted RESTlets instead. We've integrated most of the popular applications out there, and we are always looking for new challenges. You can get more information about some of these projects in the application integration page.
In the field of analytics, we've powered organizations with productive and valuable data about their business with SuiteAnalytics. We've also set up useful dashboards and portlets. However, when a solution starts lacking flexibility, we usually bring Microsoft Power BI, KlipFolio, or Tableau to the table.
Where will we go from here? We will be summing up our efforts to integrate SDF (SuiteCloud Development Framework) within our IDE setup. We want to save even further time we'd like to control all SuiteBuilder from code instead of manual actions. Our long term goal is to keep building and extending NetSuite and sharing all of our work with the community through our blog, bundles, and SuiteApps.